Zucchini Carpaccio Salad

Zucchini isn’t often served raw; because store bought zucchini is often tastless, I only recommend this salad with garden fresh zuchhini. It is simple and packed with fiber, potassium, folate, and vitamin A. 

Ingredients for 2 people

  • 2 raw zucchinis
  • 1/6th cup of parmesan shavings – good parmesan, aged 24 months+
  • Fresh lemon
  • Olive oil 
  • Sea salt – the nice, flaky kind 
  • Fresh ground pepper


  1. Cut the ends off the zucchini, and thinly slice lengthwise, almost to manolin expectations. Take your time. Pile on plate. 

  2. Thinly slice parmesan into 1 inch chips. Place on top of zucchini. 

  3. Drizzle with fresh squeezed lemon juice. (Not too much, a slow drizzle until fragrant.) 

  4. Drizzle with olive oil

  5. Lightly add salt and cracked pepper